Professional Peel
What are the benefits of a PCA Chemical Peel?
Create skin that is more youthful and fresh
Decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Brighten dull skin
Shrink pore size
Reduce the appearance of freckles, liver spots, age spots and scarring
Even skin tone and pigmentation
Thickens up thinning skin
Creates glowing, dewy and refreshed new skin
Allows better penetration of your skin care products, because the buildup of dead skin will be removed
Controls oil production and decreases breakouts
What does a PCA Chemical Peel involve?
You need to arrive with a makeup free face. One of our licensed estheticians will cleanse your face for you before the treatment begins.
In preparation for your treatment, we will ask you to wear a top that leaves the face and neck exposed. To begin, we will cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser. Next, we will apply the solution with soft gauze to the selected areas. You may experience a warm feeling or slight stinging as the solution rejuvenates your skin.
After a few minutes, your technician will gently apply a hydrating, moisturizing lotion followed by SPF.
How long does it take to get a PCA Chemical Peel treatment?
We will analyze your skin before recommending treatments that are suited for your skin needs. Whether you struggle with acne, rosacea, sun damage, wrinkles or sagging, we have the most advanced products & technologies available to meet your needs.
A PCA Chemical Peel treatment is very quick. We book the treatments for 30 minutes, and the entire process takes only 15 -25 minutes.
Please be on time for your treatment, as we will have a limited time slot available.
What will I look like after a PCA Chemical Peel?
After your treatment, your skin may be pink for 24 hours. The peel will cause your skin to glow and look more youthful.
In 3-5 days you will notice flaking of the skin, and your skin may feel dry and tight, but you may moisturize multiple times throughout the day. No manual exfoliation may be performed for 10 days post peel.
Is a PCA Chemical Peel painful, and could it cause me to break out?
During the treatment, you will experience a warm, tingling sensation and possibly stinging, but your discomfort is minimal.
If you notice any post-treatment discomfort, the PCA Post Peel Kit will eliminate these symptoms.
This treatment will not cause a breakout.
How often should I have a PCA Chemical Peel?
The recommended frequency varies depending on which condition we are treating.
In general, you may receive a PCA Chemical peel from once every 2 weeks to once each month.
What should I do after a PCA Chemical Peel treatment?
After your treatment, you should apply sunblock and avoid all exposure to the sun for up to 14 days. Re recommend you purchase a PCA Post peel kit to protect your skin and improve results.
In addition, you should avoid working out, sweating and swimming for 48 hours after the peel. You should avoid the tanning bed for 3 weeks. It is important not to pick or pull at flaking skin, as this could lead to infection.